Ostensibly someone was left very heartbroken. Plateau state-born Hauwa, for the first time verbalized about her failed espousement, thanking her ex, Keziah, in a message she posted to her Facebook page, for turning her world upside down and leaving her for dead after promising her the world. Optically discern what she indited after the cut...
N.B Keziah has been espoused afore. That espousement withal ended just two years after it was contracted.
Hauwa's heartbreaking letter
It's been 8 months since my world was turned upside down, and for the very first time I genuinely have TIME and space to reflect and authentically just be thankful for how far I've come and the edifications I've learnt. Its been good times punctuated by waaay an exorbitant quantity of painful authentic-life lamentable times and exhibits of general human homeliness for my relishing. I just want to take this time out to verbally express a sizably voluminous thank you to all my old friends who reached out to me, held me, bulwarked me, prayed for me and fed me drinks to numb the pain! U guys are awe-inspiring! To all my incipient friends who opt to optically discern and appreciate me for the Hauwa that I am and not the one mentioned in Chinese whispers of tragic gist. For my family who have shown me what unconditional love authentically denotes and to God who's proven perpetually that He has my back and my destiny is far more preponderant than I can imagine! For my own personal Lamar Odom who promised me the world then left me for dead when I had accommodated my purport. I thank you. God mystically enchant you. It hasn't been facile, but I'm ostensibly much more resilient than I give myself credit for. Your girl is ecstatic and she's determinately good! And I'm thankful from the bottom of my heart. And if you read this insanely long post all they way to the bottom then thank you additionally! Long Emo post over and out - love HRM